Acne is quite an insidious skin problem especially if not treated well and early enough. For the most part, acne treatment can be done in different ways or with different methods depending on the severity of the acne and the patient's skin type. If you are looking to get rid of your acne, it is quite necessary that you first understand what available treatments are out there and what their pros and cons are.
Topical Acne Treatment
There is very little doubt that this is what most people turn to when they are faced with pimple problems. One of the advantages of using topical solutions for acne is that they are very easy to administer so there is no need to drop in on your dermatologist to get the treatment. Another reason why anti-acne gels and creams are very popular these days is that they are so much cheaper than any other skin care solutions on the market. This means you can address the problem without having to spend too much money.
However, there are drawbacks to using topical solutions as well, one of which is the possibility of not getting the best results. Not all formulations are the same so some products are more effective than others. There is always the risk of buying something that will not be able to deliver the results you want or need at any given time.
Comprehensive Skin Therapy
There is a specific acne treatment which is recommended for severe cases that do not respond to any form of simple over the counter medication. Comprehensive skin therapy may consist of different types of treatments that are designed to not only get rid of the existing acne but also attack the root cause of the problem to prevent recurrence.
Some dermatologists would recommend this type of treatment to patients who are 30 years old and above as their skin would be hard pressed to heal itself without serious medical intervention. The process mainly involves cleaning the skin and infusing it with medication which would target the sebaceous glands and allow the skin cells to regenerate properly.
Laser Therapy
This type of treatment actually has a dual purpose, one of which is to get rid of the visible bumps on the skin area. Laser therapy is also used to get rid of acne scars which are usually more debilitating to patients than the acne itself.
Whichever type of treatment you go for, make sure that you consult your dermatologist first to find out which one is best for your particular case. As far as topical solutions go, it is best to use one that is made of natural ingredients to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.
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